Life Needs a CTRL+Z

This is how it usually happens… You spend about an hour working on a Word file, or adding images in PowerPoint, or maybe creating a list of 1000 employee in Excel, and then, suddenly, you realize something has gone terribly terribly wrong? You had been rushing through your work, clicking here and there, changing this and that, switching between multiple pages, and you really don’t know how to fix it. Now, to make matters worse, you may not have saved your work for the last 20 0r 30 minutes.

But have no fear, CTRL+Z IS HERE!!! And it might just save your day. CTRL+Z is a keyboard short cut that can usually ‘undo’ your last action. Multiple CTRL+Zs will undo multiple actions. The default maximum ‘undo’s of programs like Excel or Word is 100, that’s a lot of corrections.

  • All you need to do is save a copy of your current document in a temporary file, just in case.
  • Press CTRL+Z, examine your file, look for changes.
  • If your file isn’t back to normal, repeat the last step.
  • Keep this going until you’re happy with file.

And that’s all there is to it. CTRL+Z also works pretty good if you accidently delete or move a file, erase a password, or screw up a image. CTRL-Z is a life saver.

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Articles: 31

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